Sunday, January 31, 2021

Week 23, February 1-5, 2021, World History: Module 11.4 A Flawed Peace & 12.1 Russian Revolution

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance

Standards: 10.5.1, 10.5.2, 10.5.3, 10.5.4, 10.5.5, 10.6.1, 10.6.2, HREP.4, HI.3
Objectives: SWBAT
  • Describe key people from WWI
  • Analyze the Impact of  Treaty of Versailles
EQ: Why did World War I last so long?
Session 1 
Warm Up 10 minutes: Recall at least three causes of World War I
Lecture 20 minutes: 11.4 A Flawed Peace
Vocab 15 minutes: Describe and Significance
  1. Woodrow Wilson
  2. Georges Clemenceau
  3. Fourteen Points
  4. Self-determination
  5. Treaty of Versailles
  6. League of Nations
Wilson's Fourteen Points 20 minutes: Fourteen Points
  1. Summarize Wilson's Fourteen Points
  2. What is the Fourteenth point?
  3. Are they realistic?
Map 10 minutes: 11.4 p.438 #1-2
Session 2 
Interpreting Charts 10 minutes: 11.4 p. 439 #1-2
Video 15 minutes: Crash Course World War I
  1. According to Crash Course what were the causes of World War I for the United States?
  2. What were the effects of the American involvement in World War I?
  3. How did the war change the power of the government?
Videos 5 minutes: Why was Nicholas II forced to give up his throne?
Lecture 20 minutes: Russian Revolution
Reading 15 minutes: Romanov Family
  1. Summarize
  2. Research Two Sources
  3. Opinion
Session 3
Vocabulary: Ch. 12.1 Define, Describe, Draw
  1. Bolsheviks
  2. Lenin
  3. Rasputin
  4. Soviet
  5. Communist Party
  6. Joseph Stalin
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Week 22, January 25-29, 2021, World History: Module 11.1 Marching Toward War, 11.2 Europe Plunges into War, & 11.3 A Global Conflict
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance
Standards: 10.5.1, 10.5.2, 10.5.3, 10.5.4, 10.5.5, 10.6.1, 10.6.2, HREP.4, HI.3
EQ: Why did World War I last so long?
Objectives: SWBAT
  • Describe New Imperialism in India, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
  • Summarize the causes of  World War I.
  • Recognize how nationalism and a system of alliances contributed to the start of World War I
  • Describe events on the Western Front and the Eastern Front.
  • Explain what is meant by "total war" and its effects on society.
  • Discuss the economic, political, and ideological factors that led to the outbreak of World War I.
  • Explain the difference between a war of attrition and total war.
  • Explain the implications of "total war."
  • Compare and contrast the characteristics of the war on the Eastern Front and the Western Front.
  • Talk about the main turning points.

Session 1

Warm Up 15 minutes: Trench Warfare p. 438-439 #1-2

Lecture 20 minutes: World War I

Pictures 20 minutes: Please look at 10 photos and explain what they tell you about World War I.

Guided Reading 20 minutes: Marching Toward War p. 136-138

Session 2 

Lawrence of Arabia

Reading 15 minutes: Lawrence of Arabia
  1. Who was Lawrence of Arabia?
  2. What did he do that was significant in WWI?
  3. How did he die?
Movie Trailer 5 minutes: Lawrence of Arabia
Assessment 35 minutes: 11.2 #1-5 p.426 
Session 3
Assessment 35 minutes: 11.3 p.434 #1-5 
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Week 21, January 18-22, 2021, World History: Module 10.2 Modernization of Japan, 10.3 Turmoil and change in Mexico, & 11.1 Marching Toward War

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agendas, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance

Standards: 10.2.3, 10.4.2, 10.4.3, 10.4.4, CST.2, HI.1
Objectives: SWBAT
  • Describe European Imperialism during the late 1800s
  • Identify American Imperialism
  • Describe turmoil and changes in Mexico.
  • Describe the modernization of Japan. 

Essential Question: How did Imperialism, economic instability, and revolution affect China, Japan, and Mexico?
Session 1 
Reading 15 minutes: History Through Art p.400-401 #1-2

Vocabulary 15 minutes: 10.2

  1. Treaty of Kanagawa
  2. Meiji Era
  3. Russo-Japanese War
4-Square Activity 25 minutes: Describe, Significance, Draw p.394-396
  1. The Demand for Foreign Trade
  2. Meiji Era
  3. Meiji Reform and Modernization
  4. Japanese Nationalism
Session 2 

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance
Standards: 10.5.1, 10.5.2, 10.5.3, 10.5.4, 10.5.5, 10.6.1, 10.6.2, HREP.4, HI.3
EQ: Why did World War I last so long?
Objectives: SWBAT
  • Describe the causes and effects of World War I
  • Analyze the cost of War
  • Compare and Contrast the Western and Eastern Front
Reading15 minutes: California Connections 11 p. 411
  1. Why did the Great War become a World War?
  2. How was World War I a total War?
  3. What were the consequences of World War I for nations, ethnic groups, and people?
  4. How did World War I end? What were the consequences of the postwar?
Activity 30 minutes: World War I Propaganda Posters:World War I Propaganda Posters
Session 3 
Work Completion: Submit the Following Assignments: 
  1. 4-Square Activity 
  2. GRWB 10.3 
  3. Reading Questions California Connections Module 11 p. 411 CC11-1/11-2
  4. World War I Propaganda Posters 
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Week 20, January 11-15, 2021, World History: Module 10.1 China Resists Outside Influence and 10.2 Modernization of Japan

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance

Standards: 10.4.1, 10.4.2, 10.4.3, 10.4.4

Objectives: SWBAT:
  • Describe the causes and effects of Imperialism
  • Describe the Fall of Qing Dynasty.

Essential Question: What role did Imperialism play in shaping the modern world? 

Session 1

Warm Up 10 minutes: Geography Practice

California Connections 15 minutes: p. 383

  1. How did colonization work? How did native people respond to colonization?
  2. How did industrial revolutions affect governments, countries, and national identity in similar and different ways? Why did industrialized nations embark on imperial ventures?
  3. What were the causes and effects of the Mexican Revolution?
Lecture 25 minutes:The Tai Ping Rebellion
GRWB 20 minutes: 10.1 p. 127-130

Session 2
Lecture 20 minutes: Revolution in China
Video 15 minutes: Chinese Revolution
  1. Who is Sun Yat-sen?
  2. What are three principles of the people?
  3. Why was the Revolution successful in 1911?
  4. What kind of government did China have right after the 1911 revolution?
 What is a Samurai?   20 minutes: 

Lecture 20 minutes: 10.2 Modernization in Japan
Session 3 
Map Quiz 45 minutes: Complete map on either site and submit map/score
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Week 19, January 5-8, 2021, World History: Module 9.4 British Imperialism in India & 10.1 Chinese Resist Outside Influence

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance

Standards: 10.4.1, 10.4.2, 10.4.3, 10.4.4

Objectives: SWBAT:
  • Describe the causes and effects of Imperialism
  • Describe the Fall of Qing Dynasty.
Essential Question: What role did Imperialism play in shaping the modern world?
Session 1 
Warm Up 10 minutes: Geography Practice or Map Practice 
Notes 20 minutes:British Rule in India
Sepoy Mutiny 45 minutes: SHEG
Homework 10 minutes: Listen to Ravi Shankar
1.     How did Imperialism benefit and cost people being colonized?
2.     What was Colonial Rule like in Southeast Asia?
3.     What was Colonial Rule Like in India?
Session 2
Warm Up 10 minutes: Geography Practice
Homework 10 minutes: Listen to Ravi Shankar
1.     How did Imperialism benefit and cost people being colonized?
2.     What was Colonial Rule like in Southeast Asia?
3.     What was Colonial Rule Like in India?
California Connections 15 minutes: p. 383
  1. How did colonization work? How did native people respond to colonization?
  2. How did industrial revolutions affect governments, countries, and national identity in similar and different ways? Why did industrialized nations embark on imperial ventures?
  3. What were the causes and effects of the Mexican Revolution?
Lecture 25 minutes:The Tai Ping Rebellion
GRWB 20 minutes: 10.1 p. 127-130
Session 3 
Lecture 20 minutes: Revolution in China
Video 15 minutes: Chinese Revolution
  1. Who is Sun Yat-sen?
  2. What are three principles of the people?
  3. Why was the Revolution successful in 1911?
  4. What kind of government did China have right after the 1911 revolution?

Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives.