Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance
Standards: 10.4.3, 10.4.4, 10.5.3, 10.6.2, 10.6.3, 10.7.1, 10.7.2, 10.7.3, 10.9.4, 10.9.6, HI.2 HI.4
EQ: Does nationalism unite or divide?
Objectives: SWBAT
- Describe the Collapse of Imperial China
- Create a skit showing Civil War in China
- Organize information on the Nationalism of Southwest Asia
- Define key terms of the people of Southwest Asia
- Compare and Contrast tensions between modernization and traditional culture in Turkey under the rule of Kemal.
- Analyze the effects of World I on Southwest Asia
- Evaluate the role of Nationalism in shaping an identity and character of people in southwest Asia
Session 1
Warm Up 10 minutes: Map Quiz Asia 4- Square Activity 25 minutes: 12.3 p. 466-467 Define, Describe, Draw
- The Communist Party in China
- Lenin Befriends China
- Peasants Align with the Communists
- Nationalists and Communists Clash
Reading 10 minutes: 12.3 p. 468
Skits 25 minutes: 12.3 p.467-469 Civil War Rages in China
Session 2
Warm Up 15 minutes: Map Quiz Asia Vocabulary 20 minutes:
- Great Leap Forward
- Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
- Little Red Book
- Red Guard
- Deng Xiaoping
- Tiananmen Square
- One Child Policy
Skits 20 minutes: Revolution in China
Session 3
Reading 20 minutes: California Connections p. 477 CC13-1
1. Why does the term “lost generation” refer to those that lived
through or came of age during these years?
2. How did the post-World War I world order contribute to the
collapse of the world-wide economy?
3. How did Nazis come to power? Why did ordinary people support them?
4. What was totalitarianism, and how was it implemented in similar
and different ways in Japan, Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union?
5. Why did communism and fascism appeal to Europeans in the 1930s?
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives