Sunday, May 9, 2021

Week 17, May 10-14, 2021, World History: Collapse of the Soviet Union

People take turns helping tear down the Berlin Wall

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance
Standards: 10.1.3, 10.9.2, 10.9.4, 10.9.5, 10.9.7, 10.9.8, 10.10.1, 10.10.2, 10.10.3
Essential Question: Have the attempts at democracy in China and nations in Latin America, Africa, and the former Soviet bloc been worthwhile?
Objectives: SWBAT 
  • Explain upheavals of the Soviet Union which led to its disintegration.
  • Identify weaknesses in the Soviet Economy.
  • Describe resistance to Soviet Rule and its role in Soviet Collapse.
  • Discuss Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms to the economy and political system. 
  • Explain Gorbachev's reforms to the economy and political system. 
  • Identify events leading to the breakup of the Soviet Union. 
  • Describe Russia under Boris Yeltsin.
  • Describe Russia under Vladimir Putin.
  • Describe changes in Central and Eastern Europe.
Session 1
Warm Up 10 minutes:p. 614 "Tear Down This Wall."
  • Three Facts
  • Two Questions
  • One Summary 
Video 10 minutes: Reagan Tear Down This Wall Speech
  • Why does Reagan say president's visit Berlin?
  • How does Reagan say it is to live behind the Iron Curtain under Soviet control?
  • What might the Brandenburg Gate Symbolize?
Video 10 minutes:
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Fall of the Berlin Wall #2
  • What did the Fall of the Berlin Wall Represent?
  • How did people feel in Berlin during this time? 
  • What does Freedom mean to you?

Pictures: Time Magazine Photos of the Berlin Wall
  1. Look
  2. Read captions.
Lecture 15 minutes: Ch. 13.1 Decline of the Soviet Union 
Session 2
Into 5 minutes: (screencast)
Warm Up 10 minutes: Summarize Song about the collapse of the Soviet Union 

Session 3 
Research 25 minutes: The United States/Mexico Border
  • Look At Stories 2-5, and 12
  • What are similarities between the U.S./Mexico Border and the Berlin Wall?
  • What are differences between the U.S./Mexico Border and the Berlin Wall?
  • Why do nations put up walls/fences/ or borders?
  • How would life be different in the United States if there wasn't a fence?
  • What do fences represent other than keeping people in or out of a country?
  • Are fences necessary?
Wall Prototypes

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