Sunday, August 30, 2020

Week 4, August 31st- September 4, 2020, World History: Module 1.4 Enlightenment and Democratic Revolutions/ Module 2.1 Mughal Empire in India/ 2.2 Europeans Explore the East

 Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, Agenda, and Pledge of Allegiance

Standards: 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3

Objectives: SWBAT
  • Analyze the Declaration of Rights of Man and its relationship to previous documents.
  • Formulate an argument answering How did the theory and practice of democracy develop and shape the world today?
  • Evaluate and rank the relevance and importance of each right from the bill of rights.
  • Identify reasons why people have pursued exploration.
  • Evaluate the relationship between past empires and our world.
  • Create presentation on peoples’ expansion throughout the world.
Essential Question: Why were people of the Age of Exploration willing to risk lives and fortunes to expand the influence of their homelands?
Warm Up 10 minutes:
 What does it mean to be enlightened?
Activity 20 minutes: Declaration of Independence
1.     Who, What, When, Where, and Why of the Declaration of Independence.
2.     Pick out five examples in the Declaration of Independence influenced by the Enlightenment and the Thinkers.
Activity 25 minutes: Bill of Rights
  1. Rank
  2. Identify one example of each.

Video 15 minutes: French Revolution
  1. Who paid all the taxes in France during this time?
  2. What were the reasons for France's debt?
  3. What were the three estates?
  4. Where did the National Assembly first have to meet?
  5. What did the Declaration of Rights of Man promise?
  6. Who were the Jacobins?
  7. How did other monarchs feel about the French Revolution?
  8. What happened to King Louis XVI
  9. Why was the guillotine considered a humane way to execute people?
  10. How did Napoleon take power in France?
  11. According to Crash Course, why was the French Revolution considered radical? 
Second Session
Analyzing 20 minutes: Declaration of Rights of Man
  1. Who, What, When, Where, and Why
  2. How might it relate to the Glorious Revolution, American Revolution?
  3. How might it relate to the Enlightenment Thinkers and the Enlightenment?
Reading 25 minutes: Module 2 Lesson 1 #1-7 p.47
Video 15 minutes: The Mughal Empire in India
  1. How does the Mughal Empire relate to the Mongol Empire?
  2. Who were the rulers of the Mughal Empire?
  3. How did the Mughal Empire shape the way India views itself today?
Reading 15 minutes: Cultural Blending in Mughal India p. 48-49 #1-2
Third Session
Project 40 minutes: Partners
  1. The Mughal Empire in India
  2. Europe Explores the East
  3. China and Japan Reject Expansion
  4. Spain Builds an American Empire
  5. European Nations Settle North America
  6. The Atlantic Slave Trade
  7. The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade
  1. Title Page
  2. Big Idea/Why it matters now
  3. Key Terms and People
  4. Summary of each section in lesson
  5. What did you learn?
  6. Why were people of the Age of Exploration willing to risk lives and fortunes to expand the influence of their homelands?
  7. Multiple Choice Questions for each section
  8. Conclusion
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objective

Monday, August 24, 2020

Monday/Tuesday, August 24/25, 2020, World History: Module 1.3 Democracy Develops in England

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, Agenda, and Pledge of Allegiance

Standards: 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3

Objectives: SWBAT
  • Define key terms and people related to democracy developing in England.
  • Analyze the effects of the Glorious Revolution.
  • Create a chart comparing and contrasting the Magna Carta and Bill of Rights.
Essential Questions: How did the theory and practice of democracy develop and shape the world today?
Warm Up 10 minutes: Read and write down the objectives and summarize the setting the stage on p. 22
Define 20 minutes:
  1. Common Law
  2. Magna Carta
  3. Due process of law
  4. Parliament
  5. Divine right
  6. Glorious Revolution
  7. Constitutional monarchy
  8. bill of rights
Lecture 20 minutes: Glorious Revolution
Analyzing 30 minutes: Compare: Magna Carta,  English Bill of Rights and Bill of Rights
  1. Who, What, When, Where and Why
  2. List Three similarities
  3. List Three Differences
  4. How does this prove that the Glorious Revolution is important?
Lecture 20 minutes: The Enlightenment 
GRWB 20 minutes:  Module 1.4 The Enlightenment and Democratic Revolutions 
Writing20 minutes: Using what you have learned in this week’s lesson, please answer the following question.
  • How did the theory and practice of democracy develop and shape the world today?
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives and Clean.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Wednesday/Thursday, August 19/20, 2020, World History: Module 1.2 Judeo-Christian Traditions

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, Agenda, and Pledge of Allegiance

Standards: 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3

Objectives: SWBAT

  • Identify countries on map of Europe
  • Describe life in Ancient Rome for Women
  • Analyze the contributions Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Renaissance and Reformation made to today Society.
  • Compare and contrast the Ten Commandments to current state and federal laws.
Essential Questions: How did the theory and practice of democracy develop and shape the world today?
Warm Up 15 minutes: Please answer the essential questions to the best of your ability.
Chunking 20 minutes: p.14-21 Identify in a graphic organizer contributions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Renaissance and Reformation made to today Society.
Groups 25 minutes: Ten Commandments p. 15
  1. Write a brief explanation of each commandment.
  2. Which of these commandments are enforced by state or federal law currently.
  3. Pick one that is still current law and how it is enforced today.
  4. Present
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives and Essential Questions

Monday, August 17, 2020

Monday/Tuesday, August 17/18, 2020 World History: Module 1.2 Judeo-Christian Tradition

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, Agenda, and Pledge of Allegiance 
Standards: 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3
Objectives: SWBAT
  • Identify the countries in Europe
  • Describe the Agricultural Revolution and explain why it is important. 
  • Explain how life was for women of Rome.
  • Analyze and explain the significance of the Twelve Tables.
Warm Up 15 minutes: European Map Quiz or Map of Europe Quiz 
Video 20 minutes: Agricultural Revolution
  • What is Agriculture?
  • Why is the Agricultural Revolution so important?
Video 10 minutes: Women in Rome
  • Write down three things you learned about life in Rome for Women.
Analysis 25 minutes: Twelve Tables
  1. Who, What When, Where, and Why
  2. How do these laws compare to the Code of Hammurabi 
  3. What do most of the laws deal with?
  4. Identify two that seem to apply to today. 
  5. Identify two that seem out of date.
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives and Essential Questions

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Friday, August 14, 2020, World History: Module 1.1 The Legacy of Ancient Greece and Rome

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance

Standards: 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3
Objectives: SWBAT
  • Describe the importance of democracy.
  • Identify the influence of greek philosophy and roman law on Western Political thought. 
  • Analyze the Twelve Tables and their influence on today's law. 
Essential Questions: How did the theory and practice of democracy develop and shape the world today

Timeline and Video 15 minutes: Please explore timeline p.2-3, skim Module 1.1 The Legacy of Ancient Greece and Rome p. 4-13, p. 6 #1-2, p. 9 #1-2. 
Video 15 minutes: Platos Cave
  1. Please interpret the meaning behind this allegory. 
  2. How could you apply this lesson to today?
Analysis 25 minutes: Twelve Tables
  1. Who, What When, Where, and Why
  2. How do these laws compare to the Code of Hammurabi 
  3. What do most of the laws deal with?
  4. Identify two that seem to apply to today. 
  5. Identify two that seem out of date.
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives and Essential Questions

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Wednesday/Thursday, August 12/13, 2020, World History: Module 1.1 The Legacy of Ancient Greece and Rome

 Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance

Standards: 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3

Objectives: SWBAT

  • Describe the importance of democracy.
  • Identify the influence of greek philosophy and roman law on Western Political thought. 
  • Analyze the Twelve Tables and their influence on today's law. 
Essential Questions: How did the theory and practice of democracy develop and shape the world today?
Warm Up 10 minutes: European Map Quiz, European Map Quiz #2
  1. Define and give an example: Democracy
Inquiry 20 minutes: Why begin with the rise of democratic ideas?
  1. Define: Rule of Law
  2. What is the Importance of the Rule of Law based off of the reading?
Sharing 10 minutes: How do you participate and exercise democratic principles everyday?
GRWB 20 minutes: Module 1.1 the Legacy of Ancient Greece and Rome  
Closing 5 minutes: Students review objectives.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Monday/Tuesday, August 10/11, 2020, World History: Introduction to World History

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and announcements
Standards: 10.1.1
Objectives: SWBAT
  • describe ethical principles of Greek and Roman philosophy in Judaism, and in Christianity to the development of Western political thought.
  • describe the similarites and differences in Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman views of law, reason and faith, and duties of the individual.
Warm Up 15 minutes: What is in a name? 
Lecture 20 minutes: Classroom Rules and Expectations
Google Classroom 15 minutes:
  • A1- w3ngkn4
  • A3- 7trqbfl
  • B1- bzkbyjz
  • B3- j6un76
Review Book 20 minutes: Login into source materials at HMH
Map Quiz 15 minutes: Tutorial on Map Game , European Countries Level 1
Closing 5 minutes: Review Standards, and Objectives