Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of AllegianceStandards: 10.7.3, 10.8.1, 10.8.3, 10.8.4, 10.8.5, 10.8.6, 10.9.1Essential Questions: Why did the Allies win World War II?
Objectives: SWBAT
- Understand how World War II expanded to a global conflict.
- Identify the countries that made up the Allied and Axis powers.
- Describe major events and turning points in the war.
- Identify the principal theaters of Conflict in Europe and Asia.
- Discuss the military and political operations that led to the defeat of the Axis and Allies.
- Analyze the time line building up to the Holocaust
- Describe the Holocaust
- Organize information on which battle during WWII was the most important.
- Identify key terms and people related to WWII
- Synthesize how governments gather support for War efforts
- Analyze whether or not governments should have the power to limit citizens rights
- From opinions related to the decision to use the atomic bomb
Session 1
Warm Up 15 minutes: Why do you think in the beginning blitzkrieg was so effective?
Lecture 15 minutes: World War II
Video 15minutes: Pearl Harbor
- How does the narrator describe the Japanese?
- How does he think America will respond?
- What is the first line of FDR's Speech?
- What does he tell America to do?
- How does he feel about the attack?
- What does he vow to do?
- What does he ask from Congress?
Exit Ticket10 minutes: Students identify the Axis and Allies, their leaders, and forms of government during World War II.
Session 2
Warm Up 10 minutes: Download Study Guide- Highlight anything you do not recognize or feel like you could not answer off of the top of your head.
Activity 25 minutes: Holocaust 14.3 #1-6 p. 541
Enrichment 20 minutes: Module 14.4 The Allied Victory. Please complete the following enrichment activities:
- Battle of Iwo Jima
- Japanese Internment Camps
Session 3
Assessment 35 minutes: 14.4 #1-5 p. 551
Timeline 35 minutes: Using the link, create an annotated timeline (drawings and brief explanations) for ten different events throughout the war. Each year should be represented. Please use white paper on the back table. Timelines should be thorough and well done.
Closing 5 minutes: